November 14, 2013

If I could be anything in the world that flew
I would be a bat and come swooping after you

Amy Sillman, Ocean 1, 1997

* Lou Reed's Hair, by Angel Corpus Cristi

* From Vanishing Point by David Markson:

"From a Hemingway letter, on T.S. Eliot: 'A damned good poet and a fair critic; but he can kiss my ass as a man.'"
"At 37, in Key West, Ernest Hemingway badly marked up Wallace Stephens' face in a never fully explained fistfight. Stevens was 57 when it happened."
"'As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me.' Begins an Orwell essay dated 1941."
"In 1490, a Rome census showed a population of roughly ninety thousand, including 6,800 registered prostitutes."
"Not long after Scott Fitzgerald's death, Scribner's let 'The Great Gatsby' go out of print. And then rejected the collection called 'The Crack-Up."
"No single book or manuscript is listed among Shakespeare's possessions in his will."
"James Baldwin borrowed money from Marlon Brando with which to finish his first novel."
"There were 954 booksellers in Paris in 1845."
"'An uninteresting, and one may almost say, a justly exterminated race,' was how the New York Times described the American Indian in a 1855 review of 'Hiawatha.'"
"J. Edgar Hoover lived with his mother until her death when he was 43."
"The first Gauguin ever sold was to Degas."

* "I don’t know where jazz is going. Maybe it’s going to hell. You can’t make anything go anywhere. It just happens." -- Thelonious Monk


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