April 1, 2010

I haven't seen ya
Since I saw ya in the newspaper
When your dress was grand and
Your eyes beamed happiness

Evelyn Hofer, Metropolitan, Paris, 1967

* Of interest, maybe:

-- Yasser Arafat was said not to have read a book in the last 40 years of his life, but to have spent innumerable hours enrapt by Tom and Jerry cartoons

-- Andrew Jackson was twelve when he enlisted to fight in the Revolutionary War

-- Jessica Lange was once a waitress in the Lion's Head. Eve Ensler was once a waitress in the Lion's Head

-- Not until a year after his burial at Sag Harbor did someone notice that the title of The Recognitions was misspelled on the back of William Gaddis's headstone

-- Stalin read Hemingway

-- Miles Davis's speedometer had already reached 105mph on New York's West Side Highway when a passenger asked if he should be driving so fast. I'm in here too, was Davis's concept of reassurance

* "I'm a poet, I'm life. You're an editor, you're death." -- said Gregory Corso to an unknown editor at the Black Horse Tavern. Following the statement the unknown editor punched Corso through the door and across the sidewalk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Miles Davis entry is incomplete. Please fix, good sir.


3:56 PM  

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