You can call it a spin-off, say it's a knock-off, title it Part Two
Coming soon from Dust Congress Records:
The Silver Jews Bulletin Board Compilation

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* Top ten conservative idiots. excerpt:
"9. We Don't Need No Education
"Back in cloud-cuckoo land, Bush was busy touting science education. He told the nation:
'...we need to encourage children to take more math and science, and to make sure those courses are rigorous enough to compete with other nations. We've made a good start in the early grades with the No Child Left Behind Act, which is raising standards and lifting test scores across our country.'
"Funny, then, that Bush's 2006 budget proposal slashed education spending, reducing the Department of Education's budget by half a billion dollars. Not only that, but a 2004 report by Business Week indicated that 'No Child Left Behind may be exacerbating the problem' of slipping science standards.
"According to the report, 'NCLB now requires that students be tested just in reading and math (science tests won't be added until 2007).' Said Gerald Wheeler, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, 'some teachers are being told to stop teaching science and get back to reading and math.'
"ThinkProgress has the rest of the story. But you know, perhaps the continued dumbing down of the nation isn't really bad thing. After all, we all know what kind of horrors of science can bring..."
* Religiously oriented bad tattoos.
* Hertzog takes bullet, continues interview:
"During a recent interview with Werner Herzog, regarding his documentary Grizzly Man, the director was shot by an air rifle. Here's the God-dammer of it: He kept doing the interview:
"'He had a bruise the size of a snooker ball, with a hole in. He just carried on with the interview while bleeding quietly in his boxer shorts.'
An unrepentant Herzog insisted, 'It was not a significant bullet. I am not afraid.'"
-- related: Herzog rescues Joaquin Phoenix. [thanks to reader DK for the tip]
* "Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws. Others sense their own laws within them." --Herman Hesse
Coming soon from Dust Congress Records:
The Silver Jews Bulletin Board Compilation

Front Cover [design by]

Back Cover [design by]
* Top ten conservative idiots. excerpt:
"9. We Don't Need No Education
"Back in cloud-cuckoo land, Bush was busy touting science education. He told the nation:
'...we need to encourage children to take more math and science, and to make sure those courses are rigorous enough to compete with other nations. We've made a good start in the early grades with the No Child Left Behind Act, which is raising standards and lifting test scores across our country.'
"Funny, then, that Bush's 2006 budget proposal slashed education spending, reducing the Department of Education's budget by half a billion dollars. Not only that, but a 2004 report by Business Week indicated that 'No Child Left Behind may be exacerbating the problem' of slipping science standards.
"According to the report, 'NCLB now requires that students be tested just in reading and math (science tests won't be added until 2007).' Said Gerald Wheeler, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, 'some teachers are being told to stop teaching science and get back to reading and math.'
"ThinkProgress has the rest of the story. But you know, perhaps the continued dumbing down of the nation isn't really bad thing. After all, we all know what kind of horrors of science can bring..."
* Religiously oriented bad tattoos.
* Hertzog takes bullet, continues interview:
"During a recent interview with Werner Herzog, regarding his documentary Grizzly Man, the director was shot by an air rifle. Here's the God-dammer of it: He kept doing the interview:
"'He had a bruise the size of a snooker ball, with a hole in. He just carried on with the interview while bleeding quietly in his boxer shorts.'
An unrepentant Herzog insisted, 'It was not a significant bullet. I am not afraid.'"
-- related: Herzog rescues Joaquin Phoenix. [thanks to reader DK for the tip]
* "Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws. Others sense their own laws within them." --Herman Hesse
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