August 1, 2003

Yeah. I am mindful that we're all sinners
-- President George Bush, when asked about his views on gay marriage.

Letters to the New York Times in response to Bush's statement:

Re "Bush Backs Bid to Block Gays From Marrying" (front page, July 31):

When President Bush was asked on Wednesday to describe his view on homosexuality, his response was: "Yeah. I am mindful that we're all sinners." The implication, that Mr. Bush considers homosexuality to be a sin, is inappropriate.

My religion allows me to marry another man, and it does not consider me a sinner simply because I am gay. If Mr. Bush really does believe in "the sanctity of marriage," then allowing homosexuals to sanctify relationships through legally recognized marriages does not require him to "compromise" on anything.

On the other hand, codifying marriage to exclude same-sex unions — even ones performed according to the practices of several religions — would compromise the First Amendment and the fo


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