August 14, 2003

Exhibit in the Museum Called Foreverness
-- by Claire Fanger

inasmuch as the thing that didn't happen in Holland
changed everything that happened after

and everything that didn't happen after
I must keep the memory of myself alive

in the memory of Holland
a small memory of a small country

cathected by an unconcluded argument
that goes on forever and ever

like a bone translated from the grave of one
who might or might not have been a saint

what is important being that it is a bone
not that it is the bone of a saint

being that it is kept carefully
not that it is the bone of a saint

being that it is disjunct with the body it came from
not that it is the bone of a saint

picture the very strangeness of a sacrament
held in the mind alone :

the extreme reaches of pure passion
with no metonymy in the flesh


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